Released on the Game Boy on 27 February 1996, the games became surprise hits and were followed by manga series, a trading card game, and anime series and films. The franchise originates from Japan, where it started as a pair of role-playing games developed by Game Freak, following an original concept by its founder, Satoshi Tajiri. The franchise's target audience is boys and girls from 5 to 12, but it is known to attract people of all ages.
The third is to train a small team of Pokémon from those caught, and have them battle with Pokémon of others players.
The second is to discover and catch a specimen of each Pokémon species. The first is to travel and explore new areas. The world of Pokémon has three primary goals. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures called Pokémon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers. Pokémon is a media franchise consisting of video games, serialized cartoons and films, trading cards, countless pieces of merchandise, and various other products. Pocket Monsters Red and Pocket Monsters Green (1996) Logo of Pokémon for its international releases Pokémon is short for the original Japanese title of Pocket Monsters.